According to surveys done over the past three years, predicted the top 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2020. Here’s the list and how self-storage can help you achieve your resolutions in 2020.
1. Actually doing my New Year’s resolution
A bit humorous, but true. Research suggests that January 12 is the final day people stop following their resolutions.
Making a written list with your resolutions and sticking to them is a great way to remind yourself what you’re trying to achieve.
How storage can help: If you have something that distracts you from your goals consider putting it in storage. Reach your goals on a daily basis!
2. Trying something new
This resolution takes getting out of the home and experiencing new things. New York City has so much to offer — you just have to get out and experience it!
How storage can help: Things like video game systems or televisions can distract you. Put them away for a bit so you can get out and see the world!
3. Eat more of my favorite foods
Most people say they want to manage their weight or diet better, but others want to eat MORE of their favorite foods. Lifes too short not to eat what you want.
How storage can help: If you enjoy pickling things — cucumbers, asparagus, or eggs — or you enjoy canning, then store it for months at a time in a cool environment.
4. Lose weight/diet
Fifty-five percent of resolutions are health-related. It’s not surprising if your goal has something to do with bettering yourself and your health.
How storage can help: Maybe you need to be on your feet more throughout the day. Let your couch sit in storage so you can get out more. Or, stand in your home instead of laying on the couch.
5. Go to the gym
You COULD go to a place where everyone else is going to workout. Or, you could rent your own personal gym.
How storage can help: Rent out your own storage unit and workout with no one around. Bring in a few workout tools to help!
6. Be happier/better mental health
Negative health has much to do with doing the same thing over and over again. Your home routine has a lot to do with this.
How storage can help: Bad habits? Put things in storage that give you anxiety, stress, or depression. Maybe you can bring it back in a month and things will be back to normal.
7. Be more healthy
A blanket statement is sometimes what you need to be healthier this year. Progress is made with small steps and good decisions.
How storage can help: Too much clutter can make us feel depressed. Put away items — like holiday decorations — so there’s not so much clutter in your home.
8. Be a better person
Being a better person is a wide-statement, but one that deserves attention. There are ways to be better, and that really comes in the form of simplifying your life. More space physically sometimes means more space mentally.
How storage can help: Move items so there’s less clutter in your home. More space equals a clearer mind.
9. Upgrade my technology
Are you still using the iPhone 4? It might be time to upgrade your technology. A new phone can integrate into your life and speed up tasks for you. Maybe you’re in need of a new computer. Head out and buy one!
How storage can help: We’ll admit, there’s not a lot of ways self-storage can help you upgrade your technology. Maybe you could store old technology from your business for a little while so you can find a buyer for your items? A bit of a stretch, but you may want to do this!
10. Staying motivated
Staying motivated is a mindset. Have clear boundaries and specific goals going into the new year. Writing them down and setting objectives that you can achieve is paramount. Stay motivated every day to reach our New Year’s resolution!
How storage can help: Clear the clutter that stops you from reaching what you were meant to achieve. All the things that stop you, move it out of the way!
Contact Moishe’s Self Storage if you’re looking for cheap storage units in New York City to hold wine, art, or other things. Our Manhattan/The Bronx and Queens/Brooklyn Storage Facilities are conveniently located near you. We offer over 20 different storage unit sizes, available to individuals, students, and businesses. Reserve your room, view specials, or contact us.
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